Bible Theater

Open Bible Theater Movies

Click to Watch Episodes

Watch "The Last Supper"
Watch "Jesus in the Garden"
Watch "Jesus Arrested"

Bible Theater scene without effects
Bible Theater without animated effects
Bible Theater scene with effects
Bible Theater with animated effects

Bible Theater offers urban students and their families needed artistic enrichment and vital Christian discipleship.

Using the Gospel According to Matthew as our script, our Bible Theater program is helping students Know Jesus as they study the motivations of Christ, His disciples, the Pharisees, and the Romans. Bible Theater is helping students Love the Church as their family, as they work together to act out each scene. And Bible Theater is helping students Share the Gospel, as they share their video productions with their family and friends.

When students understand the motivations of the characters they are portraying and the context of the scenes they are acting out, the reality of the Biblical story drives them to want to know more about God and the Bible He has given us. When students see that the adults in the church are interested in and supportive of the work they are doing, it draws the generations of God’s church family nearer to one another. Finally, when students publicly screen videos of their completed scenes for their family and friends, it prepares them to Share the Gospel as adults.

Start your own Bible Theater

Beginning a Bible Theater with your own students is simple, just...

  1. Find a passage from the Bible that takes place in one location
  2. Identify the main characters
  3. Identify what parts of the passage are spoken by a character in the story
  4. Identify what parts are narrated by the narrator
  5. Make costumes for each actor
  6. Make a backdrop to hang behind the actors
  7. Rehearse lines with your student actors
  8. Film the scene on a video recording device
  9. If needed, Faith Media and Worship Arts can aide you in editing together your video footage and adding animated effect overlays to your students’ Bible Theater productions.
  10. Share your production with your family and friends

To add to your productions, contact Faith Media and Worship Arts to help you create animated shadow, lighting, and foreground overlays. Take a look at our before and after pictures below.

Bible Theater scene with effects Peter Denies Jesus
Peter Denies Jesus with animated effects
Bible Theater scene with effects
Bible Theater Outtakes

Partner with us to start a Bible Theater with your students

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